Welcome to Vietnam’s first Craft Brewery & Restaurant system. We have successfully implemented the art of traditional Czech brewing techniques. Our entire system is a replication of long-standing beer brewing technology of the Pilsen region, historically known for producing the first Pilsners.

Compared to other common beers, the beer you are enjoying at our restaurant has many distinct differences, because it is brewed with a technological process tracing back to the 19th century that has been recognized and honored around the world.  The most defining characteristic that differentiates this type of beer is in how the beer is brewed; without any filtering or pasteurization process, and more importantly, without any additives or chemicals, according to a prominent guideline of Pilsen’s brewing methods. Brewing in such a way not only yields a unique beer, but also offers a lager containing high levels of albumin and many essential B vitamins.

Hoavien beer utilizes the finest quality ingredients, all directly imported from the Czech Republic to ensure the utmost quality preservation. These ingredients include Bohemian barley, Saaz hops and yeast, and specially treated water for the distinct flavor it provides. We are committed to delivering the highest quality beer and work to produce consistently authentic Czech beer. Our brew masters operate an equipment link that is 100% imported from the heart of Europe, Czech Republic.

Our main goal is not only to produce delicious fresh beer, but we want to give you the opportunity to witness firsthand the very traditional and highly artistic beer brewing process of the Czech Republic, one of the greatest prides of  the Czech nation.

Why is the taste of beer brewed at microbreweries around the world increasingly popular and growing? Simply because of the quality - the beer you are drinking at our restaurant is 100% fresh and has not gone through any chemical treatment or temperature processing stages. Moreover, with a smaller output (compared to commercial brands), we are especially concerned with maintaining consistent quality beer. Meanwhile, industrial breweries use filtrations and treatments at the final stage of their beer production solely for the purpose of extending the beer's shelf life.

At Hoavien, the brewing procedures are adjusted according to the restaurant's consumption. Therefore, the beer is always fresh, always fermented and aged thoroughly for the right time. 

Wishing you good health, Cheers!



